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Rapporter: 634

Havål - Conger
Findes i 2 rapporter
Antal fanget ialt: 2

Conger conger, Conger oceanicus

Den suverænt største af alle de mange ålearter. Mere end 75 kg tung og 3 m lang kan den blive, og fisk på op til 2 m landes regelmæssigt. I modsætning til den almindelige ål, som fødes i saltvand og vokser op i ferskvand, lever havålen hele sit liv i havet. Fælles for begge arter er dog, at de dør efter gydningen. Havålen foretrækker klippebund, hvor den kan gemme sig i sprækkerne, og er derfor ikke almindelig i danske farvande. Hovedudbredelsen er farvandene omkring Irland, England, Spanien og Portugal. Ikke mindst store skibsvrag er yndede tilholdssteder for havålene. Havål har groft kød, der bedst spises i røget tilstand.

Congers are very common off the rugged western coast of Wales. They feed on just about anything that moves, and they are renowned for their fighting power when hooked on rod and line.
Conger eels can grow to well over 100 lb (50kg) in deep water, reaching a length of more than 2.5 metres; such big congers are usually caught while fishing from boats rather than from the shore. Beware the fearsome teeth and ferocious grip of the conger eel!
The dorsal fin of a conger begins quite near to the head, and its lower jaw protrudes; these two features help distinguish small conger eels from common eels.
Congers are slow in maturing, usually taking about 15 years before they are ready to breed. Then, rather like the eels that we find in inland waters, congers migrate great distances before spawning in very deep water - typically 3000 to 4000 metres (over 10,000 feet). They die after spawning.

Har overbid, modsat ålens underbid. Rygfinnens forkant når næsten helt frem til brystfinnerne. Mangler skæl. Har store ovale øjne.

Op til 2,7 meter og 80 kilo.

Findes i det østlige Atlanterhav fra Island og Vest-Norge sydpå til Vest-Afrika. Desuden i Middelhavet. I Danmark indtil Kattegat.

Lever primært på stenet bund ned til 150 meters dybde. Føden består af alle slags fisk, blæksprutter og krebsdyr, som havålen med sin store mund ofte sluger hele. Gyder pelagisk på meget dybt vand (3-4000 meter) i det vestlige Middelhav og i Atlanterhavet mellem Portugal og Azorerne. Efter gydningen dør de voksne. Larverne ligner ålelarver og kaldes derfor også leptocephalus, de driver med strømmen i 1-2 år, før de søger mod bunden.

Stort fiskeri i SydEuropa. Smagen minder om almindelig ål, men kødet er mere groft. Meget populær sportsfisk, især i Den Engelske Kanal, hvor ethvert skibsvrag har sine ofte meget store havål.
Havålen er en meget populær sportsfisk, hvor den forekommer. Den kan blive stor, og den er uhyre stærk at have på krogen. Der er tale om lyssky fisk, der bedst fiskes i døgnets mørke timer. Og altid på en kraftig bundsnøre med stålforfang foran 10/0 krogen, da havålen har mange og spidse tænder. For fiskeren gælder det om at sætte hårdt mod hårdt fra første sekund, da havålen ellers altid får sat sig fast på bunden. Selve hugget er imidlertid forsigtigt, og modhugget skal ikke falde, førend fisken virkelig har taget agnet. Under fighten snor og vrider havålen sig, så forfang og fisk ofte vikles uhjælpeligt sammen.

Ingen officiel fredningstid.

58 cm.

There are eight distinct species of Conger found in the Atlantic, but Conger oceanicus is the largest and most common. Specimens up to 250lbs have been taken by commercial fisherman although any fish caught on rod and line over 70 lbs would be considered a specimen. The Conger has a scaleless skin and its upper jaw extends beyond its lower. Colouring very much depends on the type of seabed it inhabits. On rocks, the back is charcoal grey and the underparts are pale, but over sand the back is a light-grey brown. The margins of the dorsal and anal fins are black. The conger can normally be differentiated from another eel merely by its size. However, small fish can be identified by the dorsal fin beginning at the pectoral fins and running the length of its body. The dorsal fin on a silver eel begins well back from its pectoral      fins.

The breeding cycle of the Conger is still something of a mystery due to the enormous distances that they will travel to spawn. It is thought that the Conger migrate to the Sargasso Sea in the sub-tropical Atlantic to breed, spawning at depths of 10,000 to 12,000 ft. The larvae are transparent and flattened, and drift at the surface for up to 2 years before reaching the shoreline where they become cylindrical. At this stage they are still transparent and about 3 inches long. The full colouring appears by the time the eel is 12 inches long.

Conger Eels favour very rough ground and inhabit deepwater wrecks, reefs and broken ground. In shallow waters Conger are mostly nocturnal feeders, but in depths of 60ft or more they feed at any time.

Conger are bottom feeders more than capable of catching live food. They will hole up in a wreck or rough ground and ambush lesser species. They will take fish baits, crab, cuttlefish and squid. The most popular bait is a mackerel 'flapper' produced by taking the whole fish and removing the backbone and tail, allowing the flanks and innards to flutter in the tide. If it is available, a whole live pout can prove deadly.

English Channel, North Sea, Irish Sea

Additional Notes:Conger eels have extremely sharp teeth and strong jaws. Hook lengths should be constructed of wire or heavy duty monofilament to avoid being bitten through. Conger stay alive for long periods out of water and great caution should be exercised when unhooking. Conger flesh is relatively tough but eating quality is fair if cooked properly, often as Conger steaks.

Fact File:
Usual Size:5lb - 100lb
UK Record Weights from rod/line: Shore:68lb-08oz-00 Devils Point, Plymouth M Larkin 1991
Boat: 133lb-04oz-00 off Brixham, Devon Vic Evans 1995
MAFF Minimum Size: Shore: 91cm (36ins)  Boat:120cm  (48ins)

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